Kumawood actor Ras Nene has talked about some negative reactions that he received from people for consistently playing gangster roles in movies. The actor, who used to keep his hair in dreadlocks and was known for playing the most notorious and gangster roles in movies, revealed during an interview on Y 102.5 FM’s Ryse n Shyne that some Rastafarians at a point in time, got angry with him for playing such roles.
From how they saw it, he was creating a stereotype about Rastafarians being gangsters which they were not happy about.
“I had to take my time to explain to them that in the movies, the storyline is usually of an event that has happened in real life which we act out to advice the public. Even with that, they did not understand because they felt that children seeing me play those roles every time will make them think that any Rastafarian is wicked which is not true,” he said. According to Ras Nene, he knew that playing the notorious guy was not all he could do however, most movie producers saw him to be the best fit for that role and that is why he became known for such.
He hinted that this is one of the reasons he started his own YouTube channel where he is now exploring more of his comic side and of course, fans seem impressed and are loving his funny content.