I don’t think we have an industry, for you to have an industry, the industry must be defined, and you must have a structure, a ‘rallying’ point where stakeholders will come together, and there’s nothing like that, there is no practical process for an artist.
Having known how it ought to be, the Ghanaian situation poses many puzzles as it looks almost impossible for an aspiring artist to get a head start in a situation that many industry headliners consider chaotic.
This aptly describes the present structure of music making in Ghana where an artist functions in the capacity of all the aforementioned components that made up the music industry. Most music released presently is being financed and produced independently by the artist.
During his interview with DJ Flexi 1 on Dadi Fm 101.1, on a program dubbed THE GOLDEN MIC he said that:
Most up and coming artistes have their own imprint, directs their own video and takes CDs to radio stations and media houses for promotion by themselves which often involves bribing the DJs to get air play.
The Music industry is now populated with people who do not have the professionalism and interest to make good musicians or good music.
All that they are better off is to sit on TV’s and Radio stations and spew gibberish, causing commotion among artistes who have strived to be where they are today.
People now run labels when they have no idea about music or the making of music. Anybody can open a parlour or a spare parts shop now and then runs a record label, takes the slightest opportunity to loot people who calls themselves ‘Underground Artist’, Where are our so called Ghana Music Industry?
It is heart rendering and awfully pathetic.
An industry that has no plans or whatsoever to even counter for their own artistes, A list to B list to even the upcoming ones. The killers of talent.
Perhaps it looks like a herculean task to make headway as an aspiring artist in Ghana where there seems to be no platform to start from except one’s own wits.
However, Jahwi who always talks out of experience presenting the way the ‘industry’ is becoming, reprimanding them to be up to their game is overly not taken seriously.
If only there is Ghana music Industry, then our doom is set completely before us.
Source: Dadi Fm 101.1