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Lady Uses Pure Water Sachets To Make Lovely Dresses, Wall Clock And Bags (Photos)

The skills of a talented Nigerian lady known as Adejoke Lasisi have got people talking as photos of her crafty works were shared by a Twitter user. She could use her weaving skills to make lovely and admirable designs.

One of her impressive skills is constructing lovely designs such as a wall clock, beautiful dress, school bags and handbags using pure water sachets. Photos of an impressive job done by her have got people reacting on Twitter.


Pure water sachets are soft and can easily melt when they get close to the fire. However, Adejoke revealed she can go close to fire without damaging her dress.

Converting pure water sachets into fashionable designs and wall clock is indeed a show of rare talent and skills.

Photo of a wall clock made with pure water sachets:

She made lovely dress and bags using pure water sachets

Before airplanes were invented, people never knew they could fly across the seas someday but a time came when impossibilities were made possible. This could be relatable to the talent and skills of Adejoke.

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Dominic Nyame

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